Balls Out 95 minute IPA

35lbs (10 scoops) Muntons Pale
3lbs Light Wheat
1lb Weyermann CaraAroma (comparable to Special B)
2oz 16.4% Warrior - Beggining of Boil
1oz Warrior - 10 mins into boil
2oz 4% Fuggles 30 mins
2oz Fuggles 60 mins
2oz 5.4% Cascade 80
Irish Moss
Yeast Nutrient
1lb Demerare Sugar (shh)
1.05-1.052 Original Gravity
Chilled to below 50 then racked, due to hops, and allowed to come to room temp
Wyeast 1728 Scottish Ale Yeast
1.010 Final Gravity
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