
HomeBrewersBlog is the online journal of a small group of would be brewers in NJ. Check back often for posts about the recipies used for the week and trials and tribulations of brewing your very own delicious alcoholic beverage.


Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Indian King Brewery

Howdy All, it is a pleasure to be able to share our experience with 4 billion people in this world who may be able to find this site. The others will hopefully catch up in time. We been makin whole lots of beer, starting with the O Face outmeal stout(consistency resembling Uncle oatmeal himself, A dark brown ale with a coriander kick. George's Fault, A belgain, little darker than Wit beer, tettnang hops, Orange blossom honey, orange peel and other tasty spices is to be unveiled this first day of spring, unless we skip spring this year, but it will be tasty in the summertime too. In the colder months we took the opportunity to brew a lager where it aged in my garage for over a month. While these beers were making love with the yeast we took the opportunity to bust out some tasty pale ales, IPA, ESB, and APA(IndianPale, Extra special Bitter, American Pale) which are all drunk. So we decided we needed to up the anty a little bit because it's tough to live on 8 beers a week.
The Indian King Tavern opened just over 250 years ago as a place for the men for the Union to gather themselves during the revolutionary war. What better way to simmer down than a peacepipe and a homebrew. Whether they were smokin peace pipes or not, I'm sure they had great beer. You can still visit the tavern as a cultural historic site in Haddonfield, NJ where they have and interesting tour, but unfortunatly no beer.(Haddonfield went Dry and put the brewers out of work. This was long before prohibition which was sure to put em under eventually)
Check out the site
Many homebrewers and larger scale brewers have been exceptionally helpful to us and hopefully we can push some of the knowledge, and maybe eventually a little beer, further along.


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