
HomeBrewersBlog is the online journal of a small group of would be brewers in NJ. Check back often for posts about the recipies used for the week and trials and tribulations of brewing your very own delicious alcoholic beverage.


Thursday, April 06, 2006

The Indian King BrewCrew

HomeBrewersBlog Reader Nikki asks:
I am a very curious person so if I ask too many questions just tell me to stop but how did this all get started? Like is this something you do for fun or something your hoping to turn into a business? Are you bottling your brew so that you sell it or just as a way to store it? Either way I love the blog and I think you guys are awesome for brewing your own beers, cant wait to enjoy one!
Its cool ask away. I love to talk about it. Ari started it, making a couple gallons on the stove top using extracts. Then he pulled me in and we got Yemini and Steve intoit. What we could pump out on the stove wasn't cutting it, so we started doing 5 gallon batches from all grain (barley), outside, using little more than a turkey frier and a gatorade cooler. Mike came to a brew around the beginning of the year of was immediately hooked. Since then we have steadily improoved our equipment and increased our output.

We bottle it for a few reasons but mostly like you said, to store it. We also "bottle condition" which means that it ferments in the bottle to produce natural carbonation. We are not really selling any yet although we have brewed some for friends of the BrewCrew. We are going to start kegging this week. We are basically forced to because we have way more beer than we have bottles and bottling is kind of a bitch anyway. If you have a party any time soon keep us in mind as keg providers. We have a couple small kegs that hold like 35 beers that would be perfect for a get together.

This is most definitely something we do for fun and love every minute of, especially the drinking and sharing the beer part. We do it every Sunday, so stop by sometime. Indian King is quickly becoming the place to be in The Hill on Sundays.


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