
HomeBrewersBlog is the online journal of a small group of would be brewers in NJ. Check back often for posts about the recipies used for the week and trials and tribulations of brewing your very own delicious alcoholic beverage.


Thursday, June 29, 2006

Hey Porter!!

Here's 1 Gallons to JC
The man in Black Porter
25# Muntons Pale
1# CaraAmber 25-35
1# Caramunich2 40-50
1# CaraAroma 110-150
1# Carafa3 488-563
1# Caramel Wheat malt
60 min 1.5 OZ Northern Brewer
45 min 1/3 oZ First Gold
30 min 2 oz Northern Brewer
15 min hops???
Pitched with dry LagerYeast

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Nut Brown Ale

Fathers Nut Brown:

20 lbs Pale Malt
2.75 lbs Crystal Malt 49-60 Lavibond
2 oz Roasted Barley
2 oz Chocolate Malt
1 lb Toasted US Victory Malt

Mash for 2 hours at 155
Sparge with 170

60 Min:
1.5 oz UK First Gold 8%
15 Min:
1 oz Hallertau 3.7%
2 tsp Irish Moss
1 lb Demerara Sugar

These here recipes

Pale Ale
19# Muntons Pale
2LB light crystal Malt
2 LB Carafoam
60 min. 2 ozPearle
15 min 2 oz Santiam
End Boil 2 oz santium

Don't get Wed, would be better to be dead Red
22 Lbs Munton
3 lB Crystal
.2 OZ Roasted barley
1 LB Torrified Weath
First Gold UK hops 8%
60 min- 3 OZ
15 min 2 Oz
end bol- 1 Oz